Our latest activities


Our Guest Stefan visited Iran and the main Highlights (Shiras, Persepolis, Yazd, Isfahan and Tehran)  between the 1.-11. May 2022  and got also as a memory from our Agency a Persian handmade handicraft during his visit at our office. After his trip he said he is looking forward to travel another time again to Iran and visit the other parts of Iran.

During our cooperation in Iran with Lufthansa-Group, Parsi-Tours welcome & organized in June 2022 a Tour for Austrian-Airlines Captain and Crew to the Maranjab Desert with Camel Safari and visiting the Highlights of Kashan and beautiful Isfahan. 

Austrian Airlines Capitan and Crew  in  40-Coloums Palace in Isfahan

Parsi Tours

En Parsi Tours, nos especializamos en crear experiencias inolvidables en viajes a Irán. Con una rica historia y un equipo de guías profesionales, nuestros circuitos a Irán revelan los tesoros ocultos del país. Creemos firmemente que viajar enriquece el alma y nuestra misión es ofrecer viajes de aventura únicos en Irán que satisfagan su pasión por los viajes. Embárquese en un viaje con nosotros para explorar los secretos mejor guardados de Irán y crear recuerdos duraderos.

Address: Unit14,Floor 5, No 43, Howeyzeh st.,North sohrevardi Ave, Tehran,Iran
Photos: Davod Vakilzadeh

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