Kish Island: Must-See Attractions in Iran’s Pearl of the Persian Gulf

The resort island of Kish is located in Bandar Langeh city in Hormozgan province and is one of the Iranian islands in the Persian Gulf. This island with an area of 91.5 square kilometers is bordered by Iran from the north, the Strait of Hormuz from the east, the United Arab Emirates from the south, and Bahrain, Qatar and Saudi Arabia from the west. Every year, more than a few...

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The Best hotels in Iran 2023-2024

Many people believe that the demand for luxury hotels is scarce, perhaps even fewer than the number of fingers on a hand. However, the continued popularity of luxury and expensive hotels proves that the efforts made by these establishments to earn their stars are not in vain. Luxury hotels are not confined solely to destinations like Bali or the Maldives; even in Iran, there are luxury hotels in various cities...

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Parsi Tours

At Parsi tours, we specialize in crafting unforgettable Iran tour experiences. With a rich history and a team of professional guides, our Iran tours unveil the country's hidden treasures. We firmly believe that travel enriches the soul, and our mission is to offer unique Iran adventure tours that cater to your wanderlust. Embark on your journey with us to explore Iran's best-kept secrets and create lasting memories.

Address: Unit14,Floor 5, No 43, Howeyzeh st.,North sohrevardi Ave, Tehran,Iran
Photos: Davod Vakilzadeh

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